Many Are Calling Me The Keyser Soze Of Among Us. Am I The Greatest Imposter Of All Time?

Smitty has got me into playing Among Us on Gametime streams these past couple weeks, and it has not taken me long to get completely obsessed with it. The first week was a feeling out period of learning how the game works. But once I learned, it did not take long for me to figure this game out and excel at it. 

My number one thing? Tommy doesn't do tasks. Total waste of time and rather boring. I've never been known as a "good teammate" or anything of the sort. When I'm a crewmate, we'll find the imposter by thorough interrogation and psychological warfare. Not by doing tasks. Seems like cheating. 

Also, I don't do tasks because it gives me plausible deniability for when I am actually the imposter. "Tommy, what tasks were you doing that round?" "I don't know. Tommy never does tasks." Boom. 

The first week, I barely got to be the imposter and blew the shot whenever I did, but last week I finally got to be the imposter and delivered the performance of a lifetime. Some say I should be institutionalized for the display of pathological lying that I put on. I take that as a high compliment.  If you watch that full video and still think I can't win Survivor, you are a moron. 

I'm excited to play again. 

Also, Smitty is live (as always I think?) if you want to see what our favorite blockhead is getting himself in to.

Join in. 

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